Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
A complete set of Art Units of Study for KS3, taking students through from the start of Yr7 to the end of Yr9. Also includes a KS3 marking scheme. Make a 52% saving on buying the resources separately.
17 pages of editable report comments for A level Art. Fully aligned to the Assessment Objectives. Suitable for both AQA and EdExcel courses. A full range of student ability covered.
3 step by step guides for GCSE Art students. Each printable guide provides clear instructions for the student, allowing them to produce work that fully meets the requirements of the four Assessment Objectives. Three different themes - Natural Forms, Structures and Metamorphosis.
The workbooks include suggestions for artists to study, images to collect, materials and processes to explore and how to develop ideas based on the research.
These work books can be used in a prescriptive manner, or simply used as a guide. Ideal for lower attaining students who need that extra bit of support.
This Art scheme introduces students to clay through simple development of a clay head. The resource includes clear guidance for the teacher, homework, how it will be assessed, differentiation, resources list, cross curricular links and a useful prompt sheet for students. The lessons have been designed to be taught over 3 x 1 hour sessions. This can be used as a stand alone unit, or as part of the series of lessons that we have on offer. The rest of the lessons are available from our shop.
All our top selling A Level ART support resources in one place. Support documents for students and teachers to help students meet, and hopefully exceed their targets.
includes the following.
How to analyse artwork
Course structure
Guide to developing a sketchbook
Student handbook
Component 1, getting started
Report comment bank
Idea development linked to AOs
Exam unit timetable
History of art resource
Great fun at the end of term. Get kids colouring with these beautiful original designs. Also many children and adults suffer from stress and anxiety at times. An over busy brain makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks and the feelings associated with anxiety can cause distress and further anxiety. Recent research suggests that activities which focus the mind without being overly taxing can help break the cycle of worry and anxiety and can help calm the busy mind.
One such activity is colouring. This resource provides 40 original hand drawn kaleidoscopic images. The repetitive nature of the patterns is intentional, encouraging the individual to settle into a calming routine. Drawings range in complexity, making it a suitable resource for all age groups, including adults.
I hope that enjoyment and a sense of calm at the end of term can be found by using this resource.
Back to school. New for 2018-19. Ideal for UK and US education systems. This massive art teaching resource is amazing for new Art teachers! This is the best selling art resource in the UK. Over 150 pages of linked art lesson plans which take students through a broad and balanced art curriculum. Each art lesson plan includes clear teacher guidance, materials list, health and safety, a student friendly support sheet and expected progress information. Updated to include 18 art image slideshows to inspire students, a step by step clay-work slideshow and a history of art support resource. I originally wrote this for my students in the UK, in a selective school that feeds Oxford and Cambridge. Students taught by me have become surgeons, doctors, architects and tv personalities, and all have been helped by their art education. My department has been nationally recognised as the best in the country. Check it out … it might really help!
Includes a 40 image slideshow of example student work.
Also includes a bonus resource - “101 Amazing Ideas for Art Lessons”. This is an “at a glance” resource for when you need ideas quickly! You will never run out of ideas again!
Lessons in the Complete Art Curriculum are:
Lesson 1 Tone
Lesson 2 Observation
Lesson 3 From observation to abstraction
Lesson 4 Relief
Lesson 5 Portraiture
Lesson 6 Portraiture part 2
Lesson 7 Portraiture part 3
Lesson 8 Clay
Lesson 9 Clay part 2
Lesson 10 Clay part 3
Lesson 11 Color
Lesson 12 Color part 2
Lesson 13 Color part 3
Lesson 14 Three dimensional
Lesson 15 Three dimensional part 2
Lesson 16 Three dimensional part 3
Lesson 17 Three dimensional part 4
Lesson 18 Human figure
Lesson 19 Human figure part 2
Lesson 20 Human figure part 3
Lesson 21 Human figure part 4
Lesson 22 Architecture
Lesson 23 Architecture part 2
Lesson 24 Architecture part 3
Lesson 25 Architecture part 4
Lesson 26 Color abstraction
Lesson 27 Color abstraction part 2
Lesson 28 Color abstraction part 3
Lesson 29 Color abstraction part 4
Lesson 30 Masks
Lesson 31 Masks part 2
Lesson 32 Masks part 3
Lesson 33 Masks part 4
Lesson 34 Dramatic landscapes
Lesson 35 Dramatic landscapes part 2
Lesson 36 Dramatic landscapes part 3
Lesson 37 Abstract landscapes
Lesson 38 Abstract landscapes part 2
Slideshows included cover the following themes:
Dramatic landscapes
Natural textures
Clay workshop
101 Amazing Ideas for Art Lessons
GREAT ART LESSONS! Three linked lesson plans for Key Stage 3 that introduce students to portraiture. Students are then led through a range of techniques and processes in the development of their own portraiture. Each lesson includes differentiation, materials lists, homework, student friendly support sheet and clear guidance. 12 pages in total.
This is used in thousands of schools around the world. The Complete Art Curriculum updated for 2021. Over 400 pages of info, including 150 pages of linked art lesson plans which take students through a broad and balanced art curriculum. Suitable for ages 10 to 16. Each art lesson plan includes clear teacher guidance, materials list, health and safety, a student friendly support sheet and expected progress information. Updated to include 18 art image slideshows to inspire students, a step by step clay-work slideshow and a history of art support resource. Click here for a free preview of the resource.
Includes a 40 image slideshow of example student work.
Lessons in the Complete Art Curriculum are:
Lesson 1 Tone
Lesson 2 Observation
Lesson 3 From observation to abstraction
Lesson 4 Relief
Lesson 5 Portraiture
Lesson 6 Portraiture part 2
Lesson 7 Portraiture part 3
Lesson 8 Clay
Lesson 9 Clay part 2
Lesson 10 Clay part 3
Lesson 11 Colour
Lesson 12 Colour part 2
Lesson 13 Colour part 3
Lesson 14 Three dimensional
Lesson 15 Three dimensional part 2
Lesson 16 Three dimensional part 3
Lesson 17 Three dimensional part 4
Lesson 18 Human figure
Lesson 19 Human figure part 2
Lesson 20 Human figure part 3
Lesson 21 Human figure part 4
Lesson 22 Architecture
Lesson 23 Architecture part 2
Lesson 24 Architecture part 3
Lesson 25 Architecture part 4
Lesson 26 Colour abstraction
Lesson 27 Colour abstraction part 2
Lesson 28 Colour abstraction part 3
Lesson 29 Colour abstraction part 4
Lesson 30 Masks
Lesson 31 Masks part 2
Lesson 32 Masks part 3
Lesson 33 Masks part 4
Lesson 34 Dramatic landscapes
Lesson 35 Dramatic landscapes part 2
Lesson 36 Dramatic landscapes part 3
Lesson 37 Abstract landscapes
Lesson 38 Abstract landscapes part 2
Slideshows included cover;
Dramatic landscapes
Natural textures
Clay workshop
We really hope you find this resource useful. Please don't forget to leave feedback if you do purchase.
This best selling ART resource just got even better! Over 150 pages of linked art lesson plans which take students through a broad and balanced art curriculum from the start of Year 7 to the end of Year 9. Each art lesson plan includes clear teacher guidance, materials list, health and safety, a student friendly support sheet and expected progress information. Updated to include 18 art image slideshows to inspire students, a step by step clay-work slideshow and a history of art support resource. Click here for a free preview of the resource
Includes a 40 image slideshow of example student work.
Lessons in the Complete Art Curriculum are:
Lesson 1 Tone
Lesson 2 Observation
Lesson 3 From observation to abstraction
Lesson 4 Relief
Lesson 5 Portraiture
Lesson 6 Portraiture part 2
Lesson 7 Portraiture part 3
Lesson 8 Clay
Lesson 9 Clay part 2
Lesson 10 Clay part 3
Lesson 11 Colour
Lesson 12 Colour part 2
Lesson 13 Colour part 3
Lesson 14 Three dimensional
Lesson 15 Three dimensional part 2
Lesson 16 Three dimensional part 3
Lesson 17 Three dimensional part 4
Lesson 18 Human figure
Lesson 19 Human figure part 2
Lesson 20 Human figure part 3
Lesson 21 Human figure part 4
Lesson 22 Architecture
Lesson 23 Architecture part 2
Lesson 24 Architecture part 3
Lesson 25 Architecture part 4
Lesson 26 Colour abstraction
Lesson 27 Colour abstraction part 2
Lesson 28 Colour abstraction part 3
Lesson 29 Colour abstraction part 4
Lesson 30 Masks
Lesson 31 Masks part 2
Lesson 32 Masks part 3
Lesson 33 Masks part 4
Lesson 34 Dramatic landscapes
Lesson 35 Dramatic landscapes part 2
Lesson 36 Dramatic landscapes part 3
Lesson 37 Abstract landscapes
Lesson 38 Abstract landscapes part 2
Slideshows included cover the following themes and more!:
Dramatic landscapes
Natural textures
Clay workshop
Thank you for looking at our art resource. If you do buy, please leave feedback because we really want this to be as good as possible and we value your feedback.
Art classroom display posters. 7 visually stimulating posters for your art room walls covering the **7 Elements of Art. **Includes UK and US spelling of color / colour.
Included are the following posters;
Colour / Color - two poster versions included.
High quality images that can be printed to a large size if required. Theey can of course also be inserted into documents and handouts.
We hope that you are happy with your purchase. Please let us know what you think - your opinions are important to us.
Get ready for going back to school with this supercharged version of our best selling Complete Art Curriculum. This Art resource is massive 38 linked Art lesson plans (154 pages), leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each Art lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required, and homework. Each lesson also provides a printable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style.
Also included is a 40 image slide-show of example student work to inspire your own students.
Themes covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, color theory, architecture … and much more. Ideal for students aged 8 to 14.
Here is a rundown of the lessons in the Complete Art Curriculum:
Lesson 1 Tone
Lesson 2 Observation
Lesson 3 From observation to abstraction
Lesson 4 Relief
Lesson 5 Portraiture
Lesson 6 Portraiture part 2
Lesson 7 Portraiture part 3
Lesson 8 Clay
Lesson 9 Clay part 2
Lesson 10 Clay part 3
Lesson 11 Color
Lesson 12 Color part 2
Lesson 13 Color part 3
Lesson 14 Three dimensional
Lesson 15 Three dimensional part 2
Lesson 16 Three dimensional part 3
Lesson 17 Three dimensional part 4
Lesson 18 Human figure
Lesson 19 Human figure part 2
Lesson 20 Human figure part 3
Lesson 21 Human figure part 4
Lesson 22 Architecture
Lesson 23 Architecture part 2
Lesson 24 Architecture part 3
Lesson 25 Architecture part 4
Lesson 26 Color abstraction
Lesson 27 Color abstraction part 2
Lesson 28 Color abstraction part 3
Lesson 29 Color abstraction part 4
Lesson 30 Masks
Lesson 31 Masks part 2
Lesson 32 Masks part 3
Lesson 33 Masks part 4
Lesson 34 Dramatic landscapes
Lesson 35 Dramatic landscapes part 2
Lesson 36 Dramatic landscapes part 3
Lesson 37 Abstract landscapes
Lesson 38 Abstract landscapes part 2
The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through the Key Stage 3 years.
The complete package also provides hundreds of supporting images, in total 400 pages of information!
Slideshows included cover the following themes:
Dramatic landscapes
Natural textures
Clay workshop.
101 Amazing Ideas for Art Lessons
A step by step guide to developing a sketchbook
Careers in art slide-show
A guide to perspective drawing
Example images of student work
7 posters covering the elements of art.
This resource bundle is massive! We hope that you and your students enjoy using it! If you do purchase the complete package, please remember to leave a review. Your thoughts are valued.
Help students get started with their Component 2 work with these high quality photographs of crowds of people. 30 copyright free images that can be used as inspiration for drawing studies.
These videos show students how to use the rules of perspective to develop their drawings. 1 point, 2 point and 3 point perspective are all covered. The activities are explained and demonstrated in a clear, straightforward manner. The videos can be used as the basis of a classroom lesson or alternatively could be sent to students who are currently in lock-down and having to do distance learning.
There are 8 videos:
An Introduction to 1 Point Perspective
An Introduction to 2 Point Perspective
An Introduction to 3 Point Perspective
Draw a Winding Road using 1 Point Perspective
Draw a Winding, Undulating Road using 1 Point Perspective
Draw a House in 2 Point Perspective
Draw Steps using 2 Point Perspective
Draw a Countryside Scene using 1 Point Perspective
This lesson plan will allow students to learn about Jean-Michel Basquiat and his artwork, examine his unique style, and create their own art piece. Clear direction is given along with learning objectives, materials list, procedure, reflection, conclusion and assessment.
Additionally, a student friendly list of facts and a questions sheet are included. This lesson is planned to run for approximately an hour. Suitable for Key Stage 3.
Life long Art Curriculum for Key Stage 3. Unlock Creativity with our Visual Art Curriculum: Comprehensive Units, Engaging Lessons, Detailed Plans, Exceptional Support, and Exclusive Video Demos!
Make ART meaningful with this fun art curriculum. Updated for 2024. This art curriculum bundle pack includes lessons, worksheets, projects, visuals, videos and a lot more to fill every single day of a school year. Covers drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printing, mixed media and much more. Simple to follow.
Back to School Art Curriculum. Updated for 2023 -24 school year. A whole year of Art units and lessons! Drawing, painting, sculpture, printing, photography and more. Here’s what people say “Very VERY comprehensive – I like the concise, student-friendly one pagers especially.”
“This curriculum is worded beautifully and the lesson progression is excellent. I love it! Thank you”
We believe that all teachers deserve the best at an affordable price. Art lessons covering drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, collage and more. A complete Art Curriculum. Over 1000 pages of visual art education, including 150 pages of linked lessons. Our Complete Art Curriculum provides everything you need for full coverage of Visual Art throughout your school. Now includes over 120 video demonstrations and a fully editable Metacognition statement. The emphasis is on the Elements of Art, differentiation … and FUN! This massive art teaching resource is also amazing for new Art teachers and home schooling. Over 150 pages of linked art lesson plans which take students through a broad and balanced art curriculum. Each art lesson plan includes clear teacher guidance, materials list, health and safety, a student friendly support sheet and expected progress information. Updated to include 18 art image slideshows to inspire students, a step by step clay-work slideshow and a history of art support resource. I originally wrote this for my students in the UK, in a selective school that feeds Oxford and Cambridge. I have now rewritten it for US education. Students taught by me have become surgeons, doctors, architects and tv personalities, and all have been helped by their art education. My department has been nationally recognised as the best in the country. Check it out … it might really help!
Includes a 40 image slideshow of example student work.
Also includes a bonus resource - “101 Amazing Ideas for Art Lessons”. This is an “at a glance” resource for when you need ideas quickly! You will never run out of ideas again!
P.S. Don’t forget to unzip the file once downloaded!
This bundle for younger children offers a range of activities and supporting resources. A visual counting game, time telling fun, maths puzzles, visual inspiration through times table posters and photographs of numbers in the wider environment. Bright, fun, friendly maths.
A quick, easy sheet to print out for students when you need a cover lesson in a hurry. The sheet provides a gridded photograph and a blank grid. Students are then challenged to draw the image using the grid to help them.
A quick, easy sheet to print out for students when you need a cover lesson in a hurry. The sheet provides a gridded photograph and a blank grid. Students are then challenged to draw the image using the grid to help them.
This scheme of study provides a complete structure for Component 1. 58 pages of guidance notes and supporting information. The theme is "natural forms" and the step by step plans ensure that students fully address the Assessment Objectives. Also included in the document are student friendly explanations of the Assessment Objectives and a step by step plan for developing a sketchbook. A complete year of work set out fogr teacher and student.